Sunday, April 5, 2009

Easter Celebration

I spent a few hours outside yesterday morning. The weather was beautiful, and I got in the first bit of yard work for the year. The snow that we had a month ago, the recent rain, and the high winds yesterday had wreaked havoc on the trees around our house. There was a ton of dead limbs lying around my yard. It took about an hour to pick all of the limbs up and carry (sometimes drag) them to the pile near the road where they will be picked up sometime next week.

I couldn’t help but think of all of the storms that have hit my life lately, and the debris that has been left lying around for my Father to pick up. The great thing about it is that it was all dead weight, extra baggage, dead limbs that I shouldn’t have been carrying around in the first place. God used the storms to clean me up, and I am thankful.

As we enter the final week before Easter, our thoughts should turn more and more to the cross and what was done for us all there. God sacrificed Himself for us, and even though there is no possible way that we could ever thank Him enough, we must do what little we can to show our gratitude for the sacrifice that He made on Good Friday.

The wonderful thing is that Friday was not the end, because when Easter Sunday arrived we where given our reason to rejoice in His resurrection.

I encourage all of you participate in the services on Saturday night, and Sunday morning, not just to show your gratitude for His sacrifice, but to rejoice in celebration of His resurrection.

Big things are happening. Lives will forever be changed. You will miss many blessings if you’re not a part of what God is about to do at Marathon.

See you there.


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