Friday, February 13, 2009

A Thank You For My Teachers

A lot of times we look at people in the Bible and we think that they're so different from us. But when we look at the things we all share in common, we find it's very profound. The fact is that people are people regardless of the time or place in which they find themselves. When we dig down beneath those temporal issues, this is what we find - that God Loved them, and that He Loves us. To me, there is nothing more riveting.

The fear of the Lord is the beginning of all wisdom and we were created to fear God, it's not a fear like a fear of the dark. It's more like a fear of the Grand Canyon, the awe inspired by standing on the top of Table Rock when the wind is blowing. Every Sunday morning, as I go around and speak to all of you and try to find out more about what is going on in your lives, I find myself marveling at God’s perfect plan. It is a small moment of awe that overcomes me each week.

Whether you realize it or not, God uses you every week to teach me things that I need to know, and I am grateful that you are willing to be The Teacher’s assistants (even if you were unaware that was what you were doing).

Sometimes my lessons are immediately obvious: Sometimes, due to my stubbornness, they take some time to sink in. Regardless, a lesson is there for me each and every week, and you are the ones who show me the way.

Thanks Guys!


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