Monday, January 12, 2009

Prayer Requests from Sunday 1-11

Sunday was a great day. I came out of the service with a lot from Eddie's message. Sometimes life gets so busy that even I forget how much God loves me (little ol' me). I loved Eddie's point #3 that stated "When I realize that God accepts me through Christ, I am no longer living for His approval but from His approval". A lot of times we try and try to meet people's approval with in a job, personal relationships, etc. but we already have the approval that we need FROM God if we have a relationship with Him. He loves us for who we are.

Right now times are hard for many people even people that attend Marathon. I received several prayer requests yesterday that would like to be shared where more people can lift them up.

1. Jobs - we have several volunteers without work right now.
2. Dewey (8:30 usher) - his dad is in the hospital
3. Cathy Ward (welcome team and 10 am greeter leader) - sick
4. Jason Griffin's cousin and wife lost their newborn baby. (Jason - Welcome team)
5. Shawn Cormier's dog and work situation (Shawn - 10 am greeter and 11:30 greeter leader)

Thank you for all you do. Marathon volunteers are wonderful!!!

Have a fantastic week!

Keep RUNning,
Crystal Riggins

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