Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Paul Cox Newsletter Jan 09

The story of one man’s journey to Africa and beyond for the sake of the Gospel of Jesus Christ!

The Gospel beyond the preaching, teaching, and healing

Hey everyone! I know it has been awhile since I sent out a newsletter but for the longest time I struggled with how best to explain what I’m doing so that everyone will see and believe that I’m still doing His will. I know from my own experience and from people I’ve talked to that unless you’ve been in the missions field, most people see missions as all preaching, teaching and healing. Well I’m here to tell you that it’s so much more than the basics. It’s also about building relationships and discipling the next generation to go fulfill their calling.

Of all the jobs I’ve been asked to perform in the past month, the job of diplomat (building relationships) is probably the easiest and yet most difficult for me. In the past month I’ve been to two funerals and have had a third within our local workers. Building relationships is a 24/7 task and yet you never know if you’re making a difference till you see the fruit you bear. We might not ever see results of our commitments till we go Home but that shouldn’t keep you from spreading His love on earth. No day is immune from this calling and our Christmas day started at 6 am when we ferried a local church to another village to spread His love. Then we met with the headmen and elders of the village closest to the base. Afterward we ate lunch at a neighbors house and saw a play on the birth of Christ. We left from there to pick up the same church from where we dropped them. Our day ended at 10 pm when we finally got back to the base.

So being a missionary isn’t all about the salvations, it’s also about what you do in between. Since the beginning of the year I’ve had a few people come to me and say how much they appreciate my being here and how much it means to them all that I do. It is very humbling when a headman comes to you and tells you that he’s glad you’re here. Fruit produced.

Creating a haven for missionaries and weary travelers

At our Rapid 14 base, we provide a base camp for Overland Missionaries to prepare for and recover from trips to the African bush. The trips are planned out and if you come thru Overland Missions everything is provided. From the gear to the food and vehicles. You will also get a an experienced team leader and assistant to look after you. Before that happens though someone needs to prepare the way. The buildings and land must be prepared and maintained. The vehicles and equipment needs to be maintained and readied for each trip. That someone is me and my team of local workers and fellow missionaries. In the time since I’ve gotten back from Malawi I’ve worn many hats: plumber, electrician, mechanic, gardener, accountant, construction supervisor, and, like I said earlier, diplomat. It is amazing how God has prepared me for this time and how He is preparing me now for what’s to come next.

We also provide free camping for people and groups traveling thru Zambia. Most are traveling overland to see Africa and some come as missionaries. It has been such a blessing to me to meet everyone who has come thru. Most who come thru are Christians and the ones who aren’t get to see Christ’s love in action.

Even though it’s free most end up leaving a small donation as a way of saying that they support what we are doing. I really look forward to who the Lord will bring down the road next and into our lives.

That’s just a small sample of what has been happening in my life. It is my prayer that this newsletter reaches you happy and blessed. I want to thank everyone who has partnered with me in the past. I just received word that my two year work permit was approved and as such I’ll be able to stay in Zambia and continue serving Christ in whatever capacity He asks of me. As of November 10th (which is also the Marine Corps’ birthday), I’m officially on staff with Overland Missions. When I came on staff they gave me a financial goal of $1500/mth, part of which goes to base fees and part will go to a savings fund for unexpected and expected expenses. If you feel the Lord leading you to partner with me and would like more information you can contact me at paul@overlandmissions.com, or you can just make a donation
thru Marathon Church, just specify that it’s for Paul Cox.

Thank you and God bless.
Paul S. Cox

Contact Info:
Marathon Church, ATTN: Sherry Anthony
315 Roe Rd., Greenville, SC 29611 or 220-0632, ext. 232

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